Stories of the Pallinup River and the Beaufort Inlet participants |
Aden Eades Born in Gnowangerup in 1939. Spent time fishing at the Pallinup with his family as a child. He recalls stories told by his older relatives and others of Aboriginal life on the Pallinup River and estuary.
Amelia Moir Born in Gnowangerup in 1939. Lived at Mongup farm on a tributary of the Pallinup, Peenabup Creek. After marrying Bill in 1961 she went to live at Salisbury farm not far from Mongup. Amelia used to holiday at the Beaufort Inlet as a child and later with Bill.
Amos Moore Born in Albany in 1907. Amos farmed at Kendenup until he joined the Vermin Board and trapped dingoes in the mid 1950s. He worked across the south coast as far as South Australia. He moved to Miller's Point and built a house there in the 1950s and worked for the Shire of Gnowangerup policing the fishermen netting in the estuary.
Betty Sewell Born in Albany in 1917. Betty grew up at Marra Homestead on the east side of the Pallinup River just south of the highway.
Bill Moir Born in Gnowangerup in 1934. At 16 he went to live and work on his brother's farm 'Sandalwood' on the Pallinup River near Borden. Bill married Amelia and went to live at Salisbury farm.
Brian Moir Born in Albany in 1922. Brian grew up at Marra Homestead on the east side of the Pallinup River just south of the highway.
Charlie Hick Born in Subiaco in 1951. Charlie lived in Beverley until he moved to 'Beaufort Plains' just north of the Beaufort Inlet with his wife Margaret in 1979. They have lived there ever since.
Jeff Ellett Born in Koo-Wee-Rup near Melbourne in 1926. Jeff moved to a farm in Kojaneerup Springs Road with his wife Rhoda in 1963. They raised six children and spent time with them at the Beaufort Inlet fishing and holidaying.
Handley (Bomber) Page Born in Gnowangerup in 1926. Handley worked on a farm in Gnowangerup in his teens and used to visit the Pallinup with his parents who farmed at Borden.
Peg Tyndale Powell Born in Albany in 1914. Peg grew up at Marra Homestead on the east side of the Pallinup River just south of the highway. She married in 1939 and lived in Kedah in Malaysia until being evacuated back to Borden because of the war. Peg managed Marra while her brothers were away at the war.
Rhoda Ellett Born in Cranbourne, near Melbourne in 1930. Rhoda married Jeff and moved to the farm in 1963. They developed the farm and raised six children.
Ruth Moir Born in Moora in 1928. Ruth met her husband Keith in Albany while working as a nurse. She moved to Chillinup farm on the Pallinup in 1950 and stayed there until mid 1990s. Later she visited the river and estuary taking photographs and carrying out bird surveys for the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union (now Birds Australia) in the late 1970s and early 1980s.