Albany Waterways Resource Book: Further reading |
Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council & Australian Water Resources Council 1992, National Water Quality Management Strategy: Australian Water Quality Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Waters, Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council, Canberra.
Balla, S. 1994, Wetlands of the Swan Coastal Plain, Vol. 1, Water Authority of Western Australia & the Western Australian Department of Environmental Protection, Perth.
Barrow, N. J., Carbon, B. A. & Whelan, B. R. 1979, `Movement of Phosphate and Nitrogen from Septic Tank Effluent in Sandy Soils near Perth, WA', paper presented to the Australian Water Resources Council Groundwater Pollution Conference, Perth.
Bott, G. 1992, Relationship Between the Extent of Conventional, Broadscale Agriculture and Stream Phosphorus Concentration and Phosphorus Export in South-western Western Australia, Discussion Paper No. 2, Office of Catchment Management, Perth.
Claudius, R. 1997, Draft Policies and Principles: Protection of Waters from Pollution in Western Australia, Report No. 27, Water and Rivers Commission, Perth.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation 1992, Towards Healthy Rivers: A Report from CSIRO to the Hon. Ros Kelly, Minister for Arts, Sports, the Environment and Territories, Consultancy Report No. 92/44, Division of Water Resources, CSIRO, Canberra.
Cusack, R. 1990, Pollution and the Recreational Fisher, Fisheries Department of Western Australia, Perth.
-- 1996, Scallops, Commercial Fisheries WA No. 4, Fisheries Department of Western Australia, Perth.
-- 1996, Abalone, Commercial Fisheries WA No. 5, Fisheries Department of Western Australia, Perth.
-- 1996, Pilchards and Anchovy, Commercial Fisheries WA No. 6, Fisheries Department of Western Australia, Perth.
De Deckker, P. & Williams, W. D. (eds) 1986, Limnology in Australia, Monographiae Biologicae, Vol. 61, Dr W. Junk Publishers & CSIRO, Melbourne.
Environmental Protection Authority 1987-90, Estuaries and Coastal Lagoons of South Western Australia, Estuarine Studies Series Nos 1-8, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth.
-- 1992, Compendium of Ecologically Sustainable Development Recommendations, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth.
-- 1992, Draft Estuary Management Manual, Environmental Protection Authority, Sydney.
-- 1992, Guidance Notes from Environmental Protection Authority Reports 1971-92, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth.
-- 1997, State of the Environment Report: Draft Working Papers, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth.
George, R., Weaver, D. & Terry, J. 1996, Environmental Water Quality: A Guide to Sampling and Measurement, Agriculture Western Australia, Perth.
Greenberg, A. E., Clesceri, L. S. & Eaton, A. D. (ed.) 1992, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, American Public Health Association, Washington.
Hosja, W. & Deeley, D. 1994, Harmful Phytoplankton Surveillance in Western Australia, Report No. 43, Waterways Commission, Perth.
Lawrence, C. 1995, Green Lip (Haliotis laevigata), Brown Lip (Haliotis conicopora) and Roes Abalone (Haliotis roei), Aquaculture WANo. 7, Fisheries Department of Western Australia, Perth.
Lenanton, R. C. J. 1978, Fish and Exploited Crustaceans of the Swan-Canning Estuary, Report No. 35, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Perth.
-- 1993, Estuarine and Coastal Embayment Fisheries, Western Fisheries Research Committee Annual Report 1992-93, Perth.
Majer, K. & Thurlow, B. 1991, River and Estuary Pollutants, Waterways Commission, Perth.
Ministry for Planning 1996, Population Projections for Local Government Areas in Western Australia 1991 to 2011, Population Report No. 1, Western Australian Planning Commission, Perth.
O'Brien & Associates Pty Ltd 1996, Statewide Waterways Management, Water and Rivers Commission, Perth.
Pritchard, W. D. 1967, `What is an Estuary: Physical Viewpoint', in Estuaries, (ed.) G. H. Lauff, Publication No. 83., American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington.
Raven, P. H. 1989, Biology, (2nd edition), Times Mirror - Mosby College Publishing, St Louis.
Swan River Trust 1991, Preventing River Pollution: Information for Industry, Waterways Advice No. 3, Swan River Trust, Perth.
Thurlow, B. H., Chalmers, C. & Klemm, V. V. 1986, Swan-Canning Estuarine System: Environment, Use and the Future, Report No. 9, Waterways Commission, Perth.
Waterways Commission 1991, Water Quality Monitoring: Understanding Western Australia's Estuaries, Waterways Information No. 5, Waterways Commission, Perth.
Waterways Commission, Peel District Education Office & Peel Inlet Management Authority 1991, Caring For Our Waterways: Peel-Harvey Estuary Education Programme, Report No. 24, Waterways Commission, Perth.
Western Australian Planning Commission 1996, State Planning Strategy, Western Australian Planning Commission, Perth.
-- 1998, Annual Report 1996-97, Albany Port Authority, Albany.
Albany Waterways Management Authority 1992, Managing the Albany Waterways: Report to the Community, Albany Waterways Management Authority, Albany.
Archdeacon, W. E., Capt. (R. N.) & Loftie, R. C. 1881, Reports Upon the Condition of Princess Royal Harbour, Richard Pether, Government Printer, Perth.
Atkins, R. P., Field, R. A., Iveson, J. B. & Parker, I. N. 1980, A Technical Report on the Water Quality of Princess Royal Harbour, Albany, Bulletin No. 74, Department of Conservation and Environment, Perth.
Australian Bureau of Statistics 1989, The Great Southern Region of Western Australia, Great Southern Development Authority, Perth.
Bastyn, G. R., Deeley, D. M., White, I. C. S. & Palng, E. P. I. (unpub.), Seagrass and Macroalgal Distribution in Princess Royal and Oyster Harbours, Albany, Report No. MAFRA 96/4, Institute for Environmental Science, Murdoch University, to the Water and Rivers Commission, Perth.
Bastyn, G. R. & McComb, A. J. 1991, Biomass and Distribution of Macroalgae in Oyster Harbour, Western Australia, in Late Summer Following a High Winter Rainfall, Technical Series No. 43, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth.
BSD Consultants Pty Ltd (unpub.), Albany Harbours Planning Strategy 1997, prepared for Town of Albany.
Cary, J. 1985, `Fishing for the Sashimi Market on Kerrisma', Fins, Vol. 18 No. 4, Fisheries Department of Western Australia, Perth
-- 1988, What's Happening in Our Harbours: Princess Royal and Oyster Harbours, Albany, Bulletin No. 341, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth.
Cary, J. L., McComb, A. J., Masini, R. J. & Simpson, C. J. 1990, Effects of Light and Temperature on the Photosynthesis of Seagrass, Epiphytes and Macro Algae and Implications for Management of the Albany Harbours, Technical Series No. 32, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth.
Clark, R. & Hodgkin, E. P. 1990, Estuaries of the Shire of Albany, Estuarine Studies Series (Estuaries and Coastal Lagoons of South Western Australia) No. 8, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation 1992, Towards Healthy Rivers: A Report from CSIRO to the Hon. Ros Kelly, Minister for Arts, Sports, the Environment and Territories, Consultancy Report No. 92/44, Division of Water Resources, CSIRO, Canberra.
Cope, R. 1975, `Tertiary Epeirogeny in the Southern Part of Western Australia', Annual Report 1974, Western Australian Geological Survey, Perth, pp. 44-46.
D'Adamo, N. 1991, Circulation of Oyster Harbour, Bulletin No. 46, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth.
D. A. Lords and Associates Pty Ltd (unpub.), Review of Algae Harvesting Operation in Princess Royal Harbour, Albany, Report No. 97/041/1, Water and Rivers Commission, Perth.
Department of Conservation and Environment 1980, Princess Royal Harbour: Summary of a Technical Report on the Water Quality of Princess Royal Harbour, Bulletin No. 80, Department of Conservation and Environment, Perth.
-- 1984, The Life in the Estuary, Bulletins Nos 146, 146(1), 146(2), Department of Conservation and Environment, Perth.
-- 1992, South Coast Region Regional Management Plan, 1992-2002, Management Plan No. 24, Department of Conservation and Land Management, Perth.
Department of Planning and Urban Development 1991, Albany Regional Planning Study: Profile, Promotions Branch, Department of Planning and Urban Development, Perth.
Environmental Protection Authority 1990, Albany Harbours Environmental Study (1988-89): A Report to the Environmental Protection Authority from the Technical Advisory Group, Bulletin No. 412, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth.
-- 1990, Recommendations of the Environmental Protection Authority in Relation to the Problems of the Albany Harbours, Bulletin No. 442, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth.
Fisheries Department of Western Australia 1989, `Albany Harbour Fish Catches', Fish Info, Vol. 3 No. 89, Fisheries Department of Western Australia, Perth.
-- 1990, `Solution to Albany Pollution?', Western Fisheries, Vol. 2 No. 2, Fisheries Department of Western Australia, Perth.
Fletcher, W. 1995, `Use of Computer Simulation Models and Quotas to Manage the Albany Pilchard Fishery of Western Australia', Fisheries Agency Workshop on the Management of South Pacific Inshore Fisheries, Manuscript Collection of Country Statements and Background Papers, Vol. II, South Pacific Commission, Noumea.
Forster, A. 1996, `Abalone Aquaculture Workshop Encourages a Cooperative Approach', Aquaculture WA News, No. 12, p. 11.
-- (ed.) 1995, Proceedings of the Abalone Aquaculture Workshop, Albany, Western Australia, 1-2 December, 1995, Great Southern Development Commission, Albany, Aquaculture Development Council of Western Australia, Perth & Fisheries Department of Western Australia, Perth.
Francesconi, K. A. & Lenanton, R. C. J. 1992, `Mercury Contamination in a Semi-enclosed Marine Embayment: Organic and Inorganic Mercury Content of Biota, and Factors Influencing Mercury Levels in Fish', Marine Environmental Research, Vol. 33 pp. 189-212.
Great Southern Development Authority 1987, Great Southern Regional Profile, Great Southern Development Authority, Albany.
Great Southern Region Tourist Development Taskforce & Western Australian Tourism Commission 1991, Great Southern Region Tourism Development Implementation Strategy 1991-95, Western Australian Tourism Commission, Perth.
Gunby, C. (unpub.), Nutrient Audit: Princess Royal Harbour 1995, Report No. A1621100, Water and Rivers Commission, Albany.
Gunby, C. (unpub.), Industry Nutrient Audit: Princess Royal Harbour 1996, Report No. A1621100, Water and Rivers Commission, Albany.
Horwath HRC Services 1985, The Great Southern Tourism and Recreation Study: Summary Document Conclusions and Recommendations, Strategies and Implementaion. Horwath HRC Services, Planning Collaborative (WA).
Humphries, P., Kirkman, H. & Manning, R. 1991, `The Epibenthic Fauna of Seagrass Beds and Bare Sand in Princess Royal Harbour and King George Sound, Albany, South-Western Australia', The Marine Flora and Fauna of Albany, Western Australia, Vol. 2. (eds) H. Kirkman, R. Lethbridge, D. I. Walker & F. E. Wells, Australian Marine Sciences Association, Western Australian Museum, Perth.
Hutchings, P. A., Walker, D. I & Wells, F. E. 1991, `Seagrass, Sediment and Infauna: A Comparison of Posidonia Australis, Posidonia Sinuosa and Amphibolis Antarctica in Princess Royal Harbour, South-Western Australia: I. Seagrass Biomass, Productivity and Contribution to Sediments', The Marine Flora and Fauna of Albany, Western Australia, Vol. 2. (eds) H. Kirkman, R. Lethbridge, D. I. Walker & F. E. Wells, Australian Marine Sciences Association, Western Australian Museum, Perth.
Hutchings, P. A., Kendrick, G. A., Walker, D. I. & Wells, F. E. 1991, `Seagrass, Sediment and Infauna: A Comparison of Posidonia Australis, Posidonia Sinuosa and Amphibolis Antarctica in Princess Royal Harbour, South-Western Australia: II. Distribution, Composition and Abundance of Macro Fauna', The Marine Flora and Fauna of Albany, Western Australia, Vol. 2. (eds) H. Kirkman, R. Lethbridge, D. I. Walker & F. E. Wells, Australian Marine Sciences Association, Western Australian Museum, Perth.
Jackson, M., Hancock, D., Schulz, R., Talbot, V. & Williams, D. 1986, `Rock Phosphate: The Source of Mercury Pollution in a Marine Ecosystem at Albany, Western Australia', Marine Environmental Research Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 185-202.
Jones, D. S. 1991, `The Shallow Water Barnacles (Cirripedia: Lapadomorpha, Balanomorpha) of South-Western Australia', The Marine Flora and Fauna of Albany, Western Australia, Vol. 2. (eds) H. Kirkman, R. Lethbridge, D. I. Walker & F. E. Wells, Australian Marine Sciences Association, Western Australian Museum, Perth.
Kinhill Engineers Pty Ltd 1992, Albany Sewerage Treatment and Disposal of Wastewater: Public Environmental Review, Water Authority of Western Australia, Perth.
Kirkman, H. 1987, Decline of Seagrass Beds in Princess Royal Harbour and Oyster Harbour, Albany, Western Australia, Technical Series No. 15, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth.
Kirkman, H., Lethbridge, R., Walker, D. I. & Wells, F. E. 1991, The Marine Flora and Fauna of Albany, Western Australia Vol. 1, Australian Marine Sciences Association, Western Australian Museum, Perth.
Landcorp 1995, Albany Foreshore Redevelopment Project: Report and Recommendations of the Environmental Protection Authority, Bulletin No. 800, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth.
Learoyd 1896, `Report by Mr Learoyd on the Condition of the Oyster Breeding Reserve at Albany', in the First Annual Report of the Acclimatisation Board, Government of Western Australia, Perth.
Lenanton, R. C. J. 1984, The Commercial Fisheries of Temperate Western Australian Estuaries: Early Settlement to 1975, Report No. 62, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Perth.
-- 1993, Estuarine and Coastal Embayment Fisheries, Western Fisheries Research Committee Annual Report 1992-93, Perth.
LeProvost, Dames and Moore 1997, Albany Shoreline Survey: Report, Fisheries Department of Western Australia.
Marsh, L. M. 1991, `Shallow Water Echinoderms of the Albany Region, South-Western Australia', The Marine Flora and Fauna of Albany, Western Australia, Vol. 2. (eds) H. Kirkman, R. Lethbridge, D. I. Walker & F. E. Wells, Australian Marine Sciences Association, Western Australian Museum, Perth.
McKenzie, K. G. 1962, Oyster Harbour: A Marginal Environment, PhD thesis, University of Western Australia.
Mills, D. A. & D'Adamo, N. 1993, Water Circulation and Flushing Characteristics of Princess Royal Harbour, Albany, Technical Series No. 51, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth.
Mills, D. A. (ed.) 1987, An Overview of Environmental Problems in Princess Royal Harbour and Oyster Harbour, Albany, with a Discussion of Management Options, Technical Series No. 16, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth.
Mills, D. A. & Brady, K. M. 1985, Wind-Driven Circulation in Princess Royal Harbour: Results from a Numerical Model, Environment Bulletin No. 229, Department of Conservation and Environment, Perth.
National Program on Productive Use and Rehabilitation of Saline Lands 1996, Conference Proceedings: National Conference and Workshop on the Productive Use and Rehabilitation of Saline Lands, Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd, Perth.
Pen, L. 1994, The Condition of the Kalgan River Foreshores 1992-93, Report No. 52, Western Australian Waterways Commission, Perth.
-- 1995, Fringing Estuarine Vegetation of Princess Royal Harbour 1992, Report No. 55, Waterways Commission, Perth.
Sayers, T. (ed.) 1996, Albany: New Directions for Agriculture Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Agriculture, Perth.
Schulz, R. S. 1986, Mercury Fixation in Contaminated Sediments at Albany, WA, Government Chemical Laboratories, Perth.
-- 1986, Seawater Survey for Mercury in Princess Royal Harbour, Albany, WA, Government Chemical Laboratories, Perth.
Seal, C. 1995, Albany Waterways Management Programme, Report No. 54, Western Australian Waterways Commission, Perth.
Shire of Albany (unpub.), Nutrient Relationships in Urban Stormwater Run Off.
South Coast Estuaries Project Group 1991, Reducing the Nutrient Load from Rural Sources to Albany's Harbours (Draft), Western Australian Department of Agriculture, Albany.
South Coast Regional Assessment Panel & South Coast Regional Initiative Planning Team 1996, Southern Prospects: A Strategy for Managing Natural Resources and Developing Rural Communities on the South Coast of WA, South Coast Regional Assessment Panel and the South Coast Regional Initiative Planning Team, Albany.
Smith, S. (unpub.), The Shorebirds of Albany Harbours, Albany Waterways Management Authority, Albany.
Steckis, R. 1981, `Albany Molluscs: Important Fish Food Resource', Fins, Vol. 14 No. 4, Fisheries Department of Western Australia, Perth.
Town of Albany (unpub.), Urban Diffuse Nutrient Study.
Tract (WA) Pty Ltd (unpub.), Review of the EPA Recommendations for the Albany Harbours 1997, Report No. WRC9708A/003, Water and Rivers Commission, Albany.
Trevor Saleeba and Associates et al. 1989, Albany Foreshore Redevelopment Study: Report Summary, Great Southern Development Authority, Albany.
Water and Rivers Commission 1997, Survey of River Foreshores in the Oyster Harbour Catchment 1997, Report No. WRT 17, Water and Rivers Commission, Perth.
Water Authority of Western Australia 1989, A Plan for the Future: Albany Wastewater Treatment and Disposal, Water Authority of Western Australia, Albany.
-- 1992, South Coast Water Reserve Protection of Groundwater Quality, Water Authority of Western Australia, Perth.
Wolfe, A. 1994, The Albany Fishponds, Heritage Council of Western Australia, Perth.