South Coast Rivercare photo gallery: Fish and Crustaceans

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More information

Information about the biology of native freshwater fish can be found in:

Morgan, D.L., Gill, H.S. and Potter, I.C. 1998. Distribution, identification and biology of freshwater fishes in south-western Australia. Rec. West. Aust. Mus. Suppl. No. 56, 97 pp.

or from the web at

Information on introduced fish is in:

Morgan, D.L., Gill, H.S., Maddern, M.G. and Beatty, S.J. 2004. Distribution and impacts of introduced freshwater fishes in Western Australia. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 38: 511-523.
which can also be accessed at (12Mb pdf)

The identification of freshwater crayfish is explained at:
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