South coast
Torbay Catchment Group
GreenSkills Inc.
Supporting community environmental projects
Wilson Inlet Catchment committee
Gondwana Link
Creating a vegetation corridor between the Fitzgerald and Stirling Range National Parks
South Coast Natural Resource Management
Fitzgerald Biosphere Group
Friends of the Fitzgerald River National Park
Western Australia
Department of Water
River level information
(from the Department of Water)
parks and Wildlife
Swan River Trust
Environment Protection Authority
Conservation Commission
GeoCatch Busselton
Department of Agriculture and Food
Centre of Excellence in Natural Resource Management
Avon River basin
Swan-Avon integrated catchment management
Heritage Council of Western Australia
Conservation Council of Western Australia
Wikepedia - all Western Australian rivers and watercourses
Land and Water Australia
Natural Heritage Trust
Landcare Australia
(Australian River Assessment System)
Australian Weeds Committee
Includes a key for weed identification
Wetland Care Australia
Caring for Australia's wetlands
Tasmanian rivercare
Government site
River landscapes
Restoring rivers and riparian lands all over Australia
Waterwatch Australia
Communities caring for catchments
CSIRO Land and Water
Water research
NSW Murray Regional Algal Coordinating Committee
All you want to know about bluegreen algae
South Australian Murray-Darling Basin NRM Board
Murray Darling Rescue
Murray Darling Basin Commission
Water conservation
Wetland Care Australia
Revive Our Wetlands
Conservation Volunteers
"Welcoming everyone with a love of the outdoors and an interest in conservation"
Healthy Waterways
Conservation and Natural Resources
Commonwealth Government site
Birds Australia
Keep Wales Tidy
Community Action - Volunteer Rivercare Groups
Rivercare in the UK
- adopt a river
River basin initiative
A joint work plan between Ramsar and the Convention on Biological Diversity
Wetlands and Water Resources
World Conservation Union
International River Network
"Linking human rights and environmental protection"
International convention on wetlands
Water Resources Institute
"Improving human access to clean and reliable water supplies and reversing watershed degradation"
River Network
Nominate a "River Hero"
UK Rivers Network
Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust
Help save wetlands for wildlife and people
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society
New Zealand's leading conservation organisation