Two sites on Denmark River and two sites on Quickup River were sampled. An overview of this sites is shown on the map above. Photographs are available for each site:
DEN01a | DEN08 | QUI01 | QUI02 |
Although only a 28% of the upper catchment has been cleared, it has been sufficient to affect the quality of water collected in dam built to supply the township of Denmark. The River's salinity has increased from about 40 mg/litre in 1940 to about 500 mg/litre in the early 1990s. For this reason catchment clearing control has been imposed and commercial tree planting carried out in the upper catchment to prevent further deterioration and to improve water quality.
The Quickup River is a tributary to the Denmark River located four kilometres north of Denmark. A dam located in lower section of the catchment is the main water supply for Denmark.
The Denmark River flows all year round and is one of the two major tributaries to the Wilson Inlet.
The River was sampled in November 2007.
All sites sampled were acidic with a pH ranging between 4.16 and 6.5.
DEN01a and QUI01 recorded high levels of turbidity and DEN08 and QUI02 recorded low levels.
All sites apart from DEN01a recorded low levels of total phosphorus and all sites apart from DEN08 recorded low levels of total nitrogen.