Eight sites were sampled on the Pallinup River and its tributaries; they are shown on the map above. Photographs are available for each site:
PAL01 | PAL02 | PAL03 | PAL04 | PAL05 | PAL06 | PAL07 | PAL08 |
The water temperature at the time of sampling ranged from 12 to 14.8°C.
Salinity was just above seawater (35ppt) at sites PAL04 and PAL05 with the remaining sites recording salinities below seawater from 32.2ppt down to 19.2ppt at the Hegarty Creek site (PAL02).
All the sites had slightly basic water with pH very similar at all sites and between pH 8.43 and 8.92. Phosphorus levels in the water were quite high at sites PAL02 (180 µg/L), PAL05 (280 µg/L) and PAL06 (280 µg/L). The remaining sites ranged from 21 µg/L to 90 µg/L. Total nitrogen was measured in high concentrations at sites PAL04 (2600 µg/L), PAL05 (6300 µg/L) and PAL06 (2000 µg/L) with the remaining sites ranging from 1800 µg/L to 910 µg/L.